Thursday, July 11, 2013

Over the river and through the woods...

past Grandmother's house we go!  (Although, very sadly, Grandma and Grandpa are no longer here in body - we still visit the area they used to live in, it's still a favorite place - for reasons of pure sentimentality and scenery!!  So while we motored on past this part today, we will be back!)

On June 23rd, we moved on to WK2!  We first spent real time in this place last summer, and now it may be our absolute favorite RV park/area combo!  It's an almost perfect combo of small, and yet, vibrant town and  off-the-beaten-path campground that's only a few minutes away from a Walmart!  

But let's start with the voyage over...

 Zou and Tracky first shared the couch on traveling day with Zou in a crate...  No more!  Tractor has to be careful not to get stepped on or squished, but these two grow into more dedicated, playful, and loving buddies every day!

 As well as helping to hold down the couch with his cat brother, Zou is a competent driver.

 She also helps with guidance, general navigation, and obstacle avoidance.

 A beautiful drive, in my favorite part of our incredible country.

 Unlike the beetle-killed forests burning in other areas, the forests here still look pretty healthy overall (thank goodness!!!).

 We've never seen this lake so low though.  And I think this was supposed to have been a pretty good snow year - just no rain...yet...?

And here we are, passing by my grandma and grandpa's view - and my favorite mountain ever.  Been to the top three times - guess it's been about once per decade.  The first time I was about 12 or so and climbed it with local friends.  The second time I think I was around 17 or 18 and climbed it with my dad.  The third time, well wait, was only a few years ago - so I guess I missed a couple decades there...!

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