Viewer warning (again): long post, too many photos ahead!
The critters involved may not be too keen on rodeos, but there's still something that appeals to me about them. The way they commemorate an integral part of our history. They way they respect our country and honor its bravest.
What's wrong with this picture?
Not a thing!
Or this one?
Same deal.
Another reason I like rodeos.
Hoist 'im high, Mom!
Pretty rough ballet...
Man, this bull is full of it! Yikes! No thank you!
Love the Men in Hats...
This bull? Not so mean. See that one guy's smile? Yeah, they were able to lead this one back to the gate OK...
Nice dismount!
(except possibly one point off for that foot still in the stirrup thing...?)
(except possibly one point off for that foot still in the stirrup thing...?)
So one of the stunts they had towards the end of the rodeo was this motorcycle stunt guy...
(he ends up jumping this truck-trailer set-up, landing in the dirt without a down-ramp - pretty amazing)
Is this him? Nope.
This is! The clown! He was hilarious, bantering with the announcer the entire time. And then... They got me! I had no idea he was also the stunt rider! Soon became obvious though!!
How do you do that, esp. in a sequin top and pink pants? Don't know, but he's pretty good at it.
Cowgirl in training.
Unfortunately, they always schedule the barrel racers for after dark - darn! So here come the grainy photos...
The Ends (from left to right, in descending order).
Ride on _ _ _ _ _son!