Friday, October 11, 2013 the DOG park...

 Well, if we're going to have this super-tolerant, non-judgmental-no-matter-what society, why not?!  Makes more sense than most things these days...!  
Or maybe our cats are really just small dogs with way shorter noses and the occasional bouts of cattitude...?

Sittin' pretty.

 My gosh but cat butts smell GOOD!  They must, given all the dog noses that end up there!

 Little man in the middle...

 Safer from up here...

 Hmmm, she hasn't sniffed my butt in awhile...wonder where she is and what she's doing...?

 That's more like it.  Pay homage, little dog...

 Making friends.

 Who says they can't get along?!

 There's that nose-magnet working again...

 Tractor in his element...the dog park.

 Wanna share?


Safest place is amongst friends... 

no matter the species.

 Smile Garfield, you got it made.
(he knows)

Happy cat camper.

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