Sunday, December 1, 2013

In search!

Over the years, I've seen so many pretty wildflower/landscape photos from this one area in CO, so I finally looked it up to see if would be a doable destination for me.  Turns out A. Basin wasn't that far away - just a couple hours or so.  So me and Zou hit the road, ready to check out this iconic location.

 Past Lake S. C.

 Such a pretty, dramatic day.

 On C. Pass Rd.

 Such awesome mountains - and weather!

 Not a bad homesite...(although a bit of a trek for groceries and stuff...!)

 Creek paralleling C. Pass Rd.

 Where the road starts to get good (ie, you could fall off the side if you're not paying attention...).

 A little swampy...

 A little rainy - 

 - A LOT beautiful!!

 Destination:  A. Basin.

 First things first - dog stop!

 Back in and continuing on into the basin a little ways more.

 Overall, I was a little disappointed that the flowers weren't more...  But I think that's because Colorado has SO much - it leads to very high expectations!!  But it was still super pretty, and to be fair, the flowers were pretty numerous...

 A couple other folks enjoying the day and the place... 

 I had been hoping for more columbine - these were the flowers I'd most associated with this spot from the photos I'd seen.  And there were a few little bushes, but it looked like elephants (aka tourists with cameras - yeah, like me, I'm afraid!) had been tromping through the field in general, the flowers no doubt suffering as a result...

 Another visitor...(a cute one!)

 And then there's you know who...


Atta girl!

Saying good-bye to the basin. 

 On the drive back out...

 I thought I saw something in these willows...  Yup, sure 'nuf!!!!  QUICK, get that long lens on!!!!!!!!!  And get back to some kind of vantage point!!!!  Because...that's a moose calf in there!!!!!!!! careful, because...that's Momma right there!  A very watchful momma...!!  You can bet she's ready to go, so you'd better be too!!  (actually, just don't push it so that she feels compelled to give chase in the first place!)

 Find the two brown spots - mom and babe (don't know if that's the same calf I first saw who then moved, or if there was a second one...).

Other people I know have seen moose in this area too, but right on the road - easy prey for the photographer!  But me?  Nah, I gotta find the ones where the only parts visible are an ear and maybe an eyeball...!

 Yes Mom, I see them too!

 Great skies on the way back.

 Another very nice house (close to where that other one is).

 River flowing into Lake S.C.

Back at the BMR - almost "home!"

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