Monday, December 2, 2013

Trying it on for size...

Tractor has been a bad influence.

We thought we had a weird cat.  One who liked to jam boxes (primarily kleenex boxes) onto his head and then wander around, playing blind with the RV (or yurt) furniture and occupants.  He is good at it.
But now, it appears to be contagious - and spreading!  The dog has caught it.  And found a box big enough...

 Scratty marvels at the strange family she wound up in...(and so do we!!!!)

 Ah, but it's really just another average day in the Barton RV...
(yeah, more proof that no one ever really knows what goes on behind those slide-outs...!)

 So what does one think of when in The Box?  I don't know - I've never tried it, yet...

Challenge met, test passed, mystery solved.  But then there's the Dr. Pepper box...!?!

(Note to Readers:  we did NOT put Zou up to this!!!  Just like with Tractor on that very first test run - I just looked down when I heard the weird noises...and lo and behold...Cat/Dog in the Box!  100% their own idea!!!!!)

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