Thursday, November 28, 2013

These cool cats are rockin' out!

Same place, different day.
Players:  Tractor, Scratty, and Zou (and staff).

 Tractor is one hell of a rock climber.

 Scratty's not bad either, although not nearly as confident or daredevil as her brother.


 Poor Zou is shackled with her promise lead (nose loop) so that she won't jerk her mom off a rock (and then go and get hit by a car!)...  She may be under 50 pounds, but she pulls at full horsepower!

 Zou, wondering if that's one of the roads she's been on yet...

 Cool cubbyhole.  

 Good shady spot for a catnap...

 ...unless you're Mr. Wide Awake who's In His Element!

 As Ross Perot put it so well all those years ago - here's another one of those blow-dried guys... (OK, so it was just a bit windy right here...)

Had to stop by the river on the way back so Zou could get clean and cooled off (sure beats the heck out of a dogwash!  Wish we had a good river nearby here in San Diego...but no such luck).  Looks like she's trying to talk Tractor into a dip - good luck little dog!

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