Thursday, November 28, 2013

Going Walkabout

 Last summer, I found out from a friend (Hi Mary!) about this great path that goes through some of the ag land near town.  Zou and I walked it several times this last summer...

 This particular morning, we had unexpected company!  And Zou's absolute favorite kind - COW!!!  Someone had left a gate open in one of the fields, and these youngsters knew an opportunity when they saw one!  And out they went!  But they were very well-behaved...

 Such a pretty lass...

 Close encounters of the bovine-K9 kind.

 Perfect girl, perfect pastures...

 Bye!  Parting is such sweet sorrow!  We'll miss you!

 But come on back - we'll be waiting here for you!

 Do these cows have it good, or what?!  At least in the summer...  Now winter may be a different story - it gets pretty darn cold here then - or so I hear...!

 A sweet little family unit...

 More little units...

If I were a cow, I'd like to live here (and maybe I am part moo - a childhood friend used to call me Cowie...  Sort of sounds like Carrie...?  Of course, her name was Robin but she went by "Pony" so maybe that could explain it...!?!)!

 Wild irises.  So interesting how these flowers come out with a new bloom, right next to the newly dead one...  Just when you're about to give up on them, they come through...!  I like that - although the fresh flower would look better without the spent one right beside it...

 What a perfect path, eh?

 Zou checking out one of the bridges...

 One of the farms.

 I love these little irrigation canals.  They always remind me of the ones that ran below my grandparents' house in southwestern CO.  The dogs and I spent many hot and happy summer hours wading through them!  Now, of course, they post signs everywhere saying NOT to wade in them...!  C'mon, what harm did it do me?  (don't answer that...)  Well heck, it's practically illegal to be a kid anymore!

Just idyllic... 

 Some smoky clouds from a fire down south...
Makes for a kind of cool this, The Haunted Barn... 

We never did get any smoke at ground-level, and smoke in the skies was actually pretty rare - guess we lucked out with the winds, etc. 

Hmm, don't you look familiar?

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