Friday, November 29, 2013

Night light

The need to get out and explore hit again this one day, but it struck in the late afternoon.  It was partly inspired by the cool storm clouds - always the potential for good photography lighting...  So out me and Zou went.  Not knowing where we were going...we were just going...

 A pretty barn along our route to wherever.

 We found a dirt road.  No idea where it went.  Was kind of late and getting dark (although partly just because of the storm).  Always a gamble...but usually one worth taking!  The clouds pretty much closed in so no wow sunset or cool lighting, but we did have to stop a couple times and try for some lightning shots!

 I LOVE lightning and thunder!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was a little worried about where we might be, just because I really didn't want to have to backtrack.  That would get us home pretty late - Bill would be wondering what the heck happened to us.  But those of you who truly know me know I have a bit of a wild hair, as they say...  I'm sure I inherited it from my dad.  So we kept going, and I kept hoping that this road would get us to something I recognized, and ultimately get us home.  We were headed in the right general direction - but that could mean nothing whatsoever...!  If the road petered out or took a sudden 90 degree jog, as often happens!

But, as luck would have it, we finally came to a spot I DID recognize!  We wound up connecting with that road Zou and I had explored a couple of weeks earlier - right near the rock park.  Phew!  Bill wouldn't need to call out any search parties tonight   ;)   (fortunately, he knows me well enough not to do such a thing - I always come home, just maybe not in the expected time frame...).

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