Saturday, August 24, 2013

A quick pass through K. Pass

On July 1st, Bill and I took Mizzou for a drive over a nearby pass.  There really won't be any scenic pictures in this posting though, and guess why...?!  Because Bill was along for the drive!  And he gets quickly bored with all the photo stops (as would you, most likely!), so Zou and I ended up doing a repeat drive the next day - so more landscapey photos to follow...!

 But I had to take a couple of shots at this water stop for Zou.  Sadly, there's not much water to play in around the yurt back home.  But during her summer adventures, Zouey quickly learns that creeks, rivers, ponds, and lakes are GOOD!!!!!!

 Zouey saves another stick!

 We come across (and have to stop for) a herd of sheep out grazing.  I'm sorry, but I don't much like sheep - except to eat, of course!  I guess they're cute when they're babies and all, but in my dealings with them, I have found them to be incredibly dumb and not much fun to be around.  I definitely prefer to hike where the sheep are not!  But I will stoop to share a couple of pictures of the silly creatures here...

Oh look.  One of them actually noticed we were around...  Surprise!
Sheesh.  Baaaaaa, blah, blah!

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