Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Dog Days of Summer...definitely!

Meet Lexie:  Zou's BFF!
Lexie was, at that time, a 35 lb. 15-month-old sheltie, and a perfect companion for Zou.  Over the month we stayed at "WK1," these two perfected their friendship and developed quite the array of play moves.  Here, they share a chew toy.

 But that is not to say that others were not included in on the fun at the RV park's terrific dog park!  Meet Peanut (and her dad, Harvey)!  Peanut was a youngster who caught on quickly, not wanting to miss out on any of the fun!

 Watch them run!

 And run...

 And run...

 And run...!

 But even puppies have to take a break now and then...

 Before launching into new races and games...!

 Even our ol' Senny got involved!

 Harvey and Wilma watch with their little Peanut, as she sits this one out.

 And then...back into it!

 But even when you're just watching, it's hard not to get caught up in the action!

 Time to tank up for another round or two or ten...!

 Everyone is finally slowing down.  Time to hang around the people now.

 Zou offers up the chicken...

 And Peanut is tempted.  But wait!  What's that smell?

 Peanut has decided that these dogs are OK!

 Peanut and her family could only stay for a few days over the 4th of July holidays, but we sure hope to see them all again next year!!

(and if you think this was a lot of dog pictures, just wait!!!!)

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