Saturday, August 24, 2013

Touristy town

So you know I can't give away the name of this place, lest the world swamp these beautiful spots with visitors even more than it already has...  This town is surrounded by beautiful mountains but is beset by various plagues - tourism being just one of them.  So I'm trying not to contribute to that while still sharing bits about it...

 If you like shopping at expensive boutiques, you'll love this place!  I was dumb and forgot to bring water with me, and ended up having to stop and buy a little bottle of water for $2.00!

 Prices were so high this poor customer passed out before he could get away!

 They do have this lovely lupine display on one of the street corners, so extra credit on that...  I love lupines!


  1. Lot's of color even though it's touristy.

    1. I think there's lots of color BECAUSE it's touristy... :)
