Saturday, August 24, 2013

K. Pass repeat

 This day was mostly about wildflowers, even with the horsey stop and the quick cruise through town.  But the best was to come with a drive over K. Pass.  Here though is a picture of a flower field (mostly paintbrush and penstemon) that was before the ponies' place.

 And this was actually before passing through the town too.  So much development in the area, but at least most of the houses are nice and somehow suit the area - IF you HAVE TO HAVE all those houses...

 A pretty sagebrush meadow with a spectacular mountain backdrop.

 Nice light on a yellow-flowered slope and what I think must be the town's namesake rising in the background.

 The town, laying at the mountains' feet.  Idyllic setting.  Too bad about those plagues...

 Once through town...let the flowers begin!

 And once over the pass, no more houses mixed in with the flowers...

 I think these are mostly some type of wyethia, with some lupine and scarlet gilia.

 Wyethia, I think...

 Scarlet gilia (aka, skyrocket).

 More gilia.

 And, once again, Mommy's Favorite Flower!!!!

 Toweling-off, doggy-style!

 Backlit, stained glass lupine.

On the way back, nearing town once again, afternoon light on a flowery hillside.