Monday, February 24, 2014

S. Pass Rd cont., or All Zouey, All the Time

Picture it:  

sparkling clear water, colorful pebbles, lush green vegetation, perfect skies.  Yeah, I know, typical Colorado Rockies summer day...

 Now add dog.

 Water dog, to be more precise...!

 That's my girl!

 Water dragon?  Chinese dragon?  Genghis Khan?  There's something Asian somehow about this scene...  (maybe it's those water fangs/mustache...!  ;)

 Can you spot the two water droplet loops flying in the air from Zouey's madly wagging tail?

 Have stick, will travel!

 Yup, got it.  This one's mine.  All mine.

 Aero Dog.

   Mmmm, what a spot, what a day!  What a dog!

 I think she's got the hang of this...

 Look at 'er go!

 More water trails (from her skirt this time).

 Check it.  Does it get any better than this?  I mean, add in a picnic with a little LOT of chocolate, and presto!  Perfection!

 On the hunt...

 After capture...


 I want to fly like an eagle...

 or swim like a fish...




 Too bad my girl always has such a bad time...doesn't know how to have fun...such a shame...

I know, a lot of Zouey photos.  Yeah, she's my favorite subject...  Hope you're not too tired of it because there's going to be a lot more...!!

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