Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Zou zooming along the BP trail

 Always a favorite thing of mine:  a new trail to explore in a beautiful place!  The weather was about perfect - around 60 and cloudy.  And I had my bestest hiking partner along for her first real off-leash trail experience!
Woo-hoo!  Here we go!

Gorgeous fir- and fern-filled aspen glade.

 And she's off!  Skirts a'flyin'!

 Zou takes full advantage of her leashlessness!  B'bye Mom!!!!!!!!!!

Well, wait.  Just checking, making sure you're still there...

Still there?  Geez, you sure are slow, Mom!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Zou brown looks good against that Colorado green, don't you think?  

 Lovely larkspur

...and such a pretty color.

 We made it to one of the ponds.  I decided to tie Zou up while I took a few photos.  The water in the pond looked a little gunky...  Plus, it was late in the day and I didn't want her getting all muddy and wet.

 Love this scene.  Nice corn lilies.
(and nice thunder, and it's starting to rain a's all good!!!)

 What a wonderful forest.

 How appropriate - my little girl, who is totally taken with cows, sits next to a cow parsnip.

The way back...

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