Sunday, February 23, 2014

S. Pass with B and Z

 Tractor, soaking in the incredible views on an outing...

 Looks just like the I-5 on a Friday afternoon.  Well, maybe not exactly...  You don't see mountains from that freeway!  They may be there (but not like these ones), but you won't see them through the smog!  And it's not So Cal (thank God!).   And it's not Friday.  And...  So what's the hold-up?!

 And what are these guys all worked-up about?

 Ah...  Cool!  Cattle drive.  Hmm, explains all the road dots ('manure' for all the PC folks out there, or 'feces' for all the experts, or 'poop' for those that may be scatologically-challenged)... 

 Git along little doggies!

 Tractor, transfixed.
Best roadshow he's ever seen.

 What cracked me up was that these guys were being mustered towards that fancy, high-fallutin' touristy mecca - the colorful and crowded town of CB.  Yup, polka-dotting all the way!  ;)  So here are all the pricey, foo-foo cars (except ours, of course), lined up behind 'em.  If you ain't the lead dog...

Ride on, Cowboy!  Ride on.

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