Saturday, June 15, 2013

A look back...

Hope you don't mind a little backpedaling here...back to when we were still in Ramona, still in our RV at our friends, Peggy & Karl's place...

 Just some photos of the critters getting settled into their other home again... (and Zou on the dining bench, where she's not supposed to be!)

 OK, so technically, it's OK for Zou to stand on the couch and harrass Tractor from there...

 One of Karl & Peggy's cats, Friendly.  He really lives up to his name and is our favorite of theirs.

 Zou really likes Friendly too.  We think it's mutual, but Friendly does have to still put Zou in her place - a little zap with a paw when she gets too enthusiastic...  But he never has his claws out with her.  And that's only when she's getting too exZOUberant.  Otherwise they're sniffing noses...

 For fun, we open up cabinets over the bed and let the kitties explore in them - they LOVE doing stuff like this!  And Zou loves doing it with them vicariously.

 Here's our set-up in K&P's backyard.

Karl & Peggy have a really nice spot in Ramona, a cute house, and a wonderfully flat and spacious lot!  And we really appreciate being able to kind of rent a spot there!

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