Saturday, June 15, 2013

Just call us Jack

On Wed., we hit the road!  We first planned to drive all the way to Camp Verde, AZ.  But then, on realizing that the drive would be more like 8 1/2 hrs (vs. the 6 1/2 hrs Google predicted - for a vehicle doing the speed limits - we always go slower on the freeway = better gas mileage, less stress!!), we changed our minds and decided on Yuma for a shorter day.  But then...on realizing how damn hot it was going to be there (107-111 degrees!!!), we changed our minds yet again and went back to the Camp Verde idea!!!  As it was, we drove through several hours of 112 degrees!!!!!!!!  And Camp Verde wasn't exactly air-conditioned, but at least it was closer to 100 than 120!!
 The doggies took their positions, up front.

The comfy dog bed is really for Senny (was Ouraydog's therapeutic bed), but you know who has a tendency to hog it (or at least share it...).

 Tracky settles in for the ride...

 Not the best photo, but maybe you can see why they call our destination Camp Verde!  The Verde River runs through this valley, so it's loaded with cottonwoods - and very green (unlike the surrounding area, which is much more barren and more brown)!

The Zane Grey RV Park - a stay we've really enjoyed and would recommend!  We ended up staying 3 night here, and now it's time to leave - and I don't really want to!  Ready to move on to CO, but really like this park!

 The kitties cruise the campground.

 Tractor and Scratty help Mom with a little herb planting.

 Scratty scouts her tree...

 They both check out the bottom of said tree...

 oooo, what a good smell!!!!!

 Zou's got the hang of the couch already...

So be prepared for a lot more cute, snuggly puppy on the couch pictures!!!  This appears to be a favorite place of hers - and a favorite photo op of Mom's!

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