Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Galloping to Gallup (ha-ha)

So we wistfully waved good-bye to our new friends - Claire, Kathy, Larry, Chuck, Sassy, Gracie, and others - and drove out of the Zane Grey.  It was freeway all the way to our next destination, and a good thing too because...midway I bent over to pick up the dog water bowl and...blew out my back!  (I know, I don't get it either - how is it that something so simple can cause such disaster??!!!!!!)  So, suddenly, we had TWO people with bad backs!!!  We really should teach Mizzou or Tractor how to drive, but until that happens, one of us has got to be functional enough to handle it!  As it turned out, on this day, it was Bill. His back was less bad than mine at that point (or at least sitting was less painful), so he got to drive us the whole way - so big, wide, fast roads were good!!  About 4+ hours got us to Gallup (which we only picked as an overnight and to make a short driving day).

Doggies, take your places!

 With bright, smiling faces!

 Or..there's always the couch, with room for two...

 Senny's poor arthritic joints no longer cooperate for moves like this, so Zou is taking over the position of helping Bill drive.

 And then back to the couch.  Don't want Tracky to get lonely!

 Yes, they are fast becoming best friends.

 For those of you who have known our family, and have seen the various blog photos, for awhile now, does this remind of you of anyone else?  Like Tractor and our Ouraydog?  And going even farther back in history, Ouraydog and Mossy?!

 Zou watches as New Mexico goes by.

Tractor, spoiled?  Nah!!!  Whatever happened to the One Foot Rule (all cats must keep at least one paw on the chair at all times)???  Well, oddly enough, it gets suspended on travel days.

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