Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Tying up loose ends

So before we go, a few last-minute just-for-fun photos...

 Everyone's eager for breakfast!!  Seneca, who's standing beside me here, always gets lots of help with her meals - ever since the fancy geriatric care cooking for her started (rice, oatmeal, chicken, yogurt, and ground-up dog kibble!).  

 Zou and Tractor have become best buddies.  First thing in the morning, they usually both come tromping onto the bed (and onto us!) for the (early) morning greeting (and then they take over the bed after we get up...).

 One of Zou's special buddies - Art at Mailbox Station.  Art's the guy who hangs onto our mail for us till we either pick it up (when we're in town) or ask him to send it on to wherever! Well, he also keeps a stash of milkbones...  Need I say more?

From Art's point of view!

So, we've got most of our shopping and packing and organizing done now.  Today is Mom's birthday, so will be doing lunchee with her and her beau, Harry.  And then tomorrow, early, early,...time to shove off!

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