Saturday, June 29, 2013

Walking the...

DOG cat...

 You knew I was getting around to these pics, right?!  What's a camping trip without cat walks!

 And meeting the neighbors, esp. the young ones.

 Zou thinks this is stupid.  "What's wrong with this picture?!  Didn't you forget something here? Or someone?  Like me?!!!!"

 Tractor rubs it in and climbs the tree right next to Zou in the window!

But then we take THE dog and THE cat out together...

 and life is good...

I love the doggy shadow!!

 Ain't she cute?!

 Tractor finds some more admirers.

 Scratty strikes out for her turn on the leash.

 And finds some friends too!  Meet Jesse (little boy) and Max (little dog).

Both cats love to roll.  Nothing better than being covered in dirt and debris.  And Scratty absolutely excels in finding the dirtiest dirt!

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