Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Traveling Circus

Life in a 2x2 RV - 2 dogs, 2 cats...

 Scratty:  thinks she's a leopard dangling on a tree branch...


 The beginnings of a mixed species relationship can be a little taxing (for everyone!), but the rewards are certainly worth the reaping!  These two become better friends every day...

 Partners in crime...

 Scratty dozing on Billy's cap...

 Yes, definitely, Partners in Crime.  Well, they do have a guilty look, don't they?!  What shared naughty act do you think Mommy may have interrupted THIS time???

 Zou follows in Ouraydog's footsteps in many ways.  She loves to sit in the driver's seat but is not beneath sleeping in it as well.

 After a good play period in the dog park.  Zou is so hot and exhausted, she just flops down on the cool tile floor.  Who cares if a leg goes under the mat instead of over it?!

 Tracky curls up in a favorite purple blankie...

 Snoozing through a check-up from Zou...

 Tractor finds another box to try on.  It's a bit small, but has that EVER been a serious deterrent?!  Nah!

 Tractor 4-wheels everywhere in his boxes.  Who cares if he can't see where he's going?!  He's got it all mapped in his head!  Here he passes under the Dog Bridge...

Another gathering of the Usual Suspects...

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