Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Leozardo da Vinci

Meet my little friend...

 The Greater Earless Lizard!

Pretty colorful, ain't he?  Makes you wonder why he didn't end up with a better name!  Like the Spectacular Rainbow Reptile or at least the Spotted Striped Orange Yellow Blue!  I mean c'mon, when you see this guy, do you think, "oh yes, that's one of those earless ones..."?!!!!!  Nope, didn't so.

 Isn't he handsome?  I'm pretty sure he thought so, anyways.  (and I agree)

I couldn't tell if he was showing off or what here with this tippy-toes pose, but Bill said it was probably just because the rock was hot.  Not so glamorous but maybe true!

So I didn't get a good Red Rocks Crossing picture, but who cares?!  I got a Blue & Black Belly Striped Orangey-Yellow Blue Polka Dot fellow!!!!!

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