Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Colorado, here we come!

 On June 16th, we moved on to our first Colorado destination - WK1 (Who Knows?! spot #1).  As in my last blog, I just can't bring myself to give away my favorite places in this state.  I've seen so many of the areas change so drastically, as a result of everyone visiting and moving there - and usually not for the better (in my opinion!).   I can't stop this stuff, but I don't want to directly contribute to it either!  So...if you figure out where I'm talking about, so be it - and maybe you were already familiar with it.  And if you don't, even better...!  Sorry!  So here we are, on our way through NM, and I just wanted to get a shot of the clouds - with the orangey-pink dirt reflecting said color a little in the clouds...

 And some photos about town in WK1...  These two were along a really pretty street, with giant trees and a very green median strip.

 And their golf course - from one side and then...

the other.  Nice mountain back drop, eh?!

 And the view from a higher-up overlook, towards the north.

 Looking down at the town and the big river that runs through it.

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