Saturday, June 15, 2013

More flashback - Mom's birthday!

We postponed our take-off long enough to stay for Mom's birthday - of course!
On June 11th, Mom turned...  Oh, you don't think I'd actually say, do you?  She'd kill me, for one thing!!
  But rest assured, Mom, everyone thinks you look great - for whatever age you are!  ;)

 Four of us went out to eat at a posh restaurant/spa resort in Fairbanks Ranch.  They recently underwent a $30 million remodel!

 Mom and her beau, Harry.  What a cute couple, eh?  Harry is a real sweetheart.  We are so glad they met some 7 years ago!

The food was all right (although Bill and I expected better for the price - with the exception of the chocolate creme brulee, which was AWESOME!!), the waiters were great, and I liked the new decor OK (although I'd only been there once before long ago and couldn't remember the old look at all), some parts better than others.  This here is an "interesting" piece.  We found out that it was 1.3 MILLION buckaroos - and it's made from real butterfly wings...  Nice, eh?  Maybe not so much.  Think about it - how many butterflies were killed and plucked for this "work of art?"

 La familia.

 The one who got left behind...  Back at Mom's, her cat Duffy waits at a window for our return...

 But since Duffy is not compatible with dogs, he has to wait till we're gone...because Zou wants to wish her grandma a Happy Birthday too!!

 Mom asks Zou for a kiss...

 and gets one!!

 While she's at it, Daddy gets one too!

 Everyone kissed and happy, her job is over, and Zou takes a break.

Yes, it is all about Zou....
Well, not totally, since it was MOM'S birthday this day!  We all had a lot of fun and a terrific day together.
  Happy Birthday Mom!!

1 comment:

  1. Let the fun begin. Glad you posted the photos of your mom and Harry. Dang. Bill dresses up pretty good.
